NAS subcommittee- NYSC was formed with reference to
the following constitution clauses.
Clause 3.1 – advance the culture and customs of
Nattukottai Chettiars in Singapore
Clause 3.3 – To Organize cultural, educational,
social and sporting activities for the members
Clause 11.8 – The MC shall have the right to
appoint sub-committees
Long Term Stabilization
Thanneermalai and Lakshmanan S – will be the
advisors for 3 years from Y2021 with each year NAS President
By 3 years there should be a pipeline of capable
and enthusiastic youth to take leadership
Once this is established, Thanneermalai &
Lakshmanana can step down or continue as appropriate at the time
Chettiar children and youth have only a limited connection to the temple
– mainly for praying or attending functions.
These are not attractive enough to:
give them enough of an emotional connection to
the community
provide enough knowledge of the community
create a strong community identity
A weak emotional connection to the community contributes
to the departure of youth from the community.
Having activities also enables youth to know each other. It is estimated that there are between 15 –
20 children born in Singapore each year.
Solution: Give
children and youth from the age of 6 to 25 various suitable activites
throughout their growing years to reinforce their identity and emotional
connection to the temple.
Target Age Groups:
6 – 10 Years – Storytelling
11 – 13 Years – Nagarathar Culture Class, (Thevaram is also a pre-existing activity)
14 – 25 Years – NAS Youth Wing
Youth Wing Aim:
Organize activities during each school holidays, which are:
Cantered around the Temple
Includes educational activities about the
Enables all age groups to mix together and
including boys and girls
Be fun so youth will look forward to come
without any compulsion
Organized by youth with light involvement of
adults to enable youth leadership to develop
Criteria for Selecting Activities:
Develops knowledge of traditional Chettiar or
Tamil culture
Enables participation of anyone without a
pre-requisite so that all can participate, have fun and get to know each other
Low cost so that funds need not be requested
from NAS or CTS. Self-funded is best
Not competitive but collaborative encouraging
Activity Framework:
Not too many that it is taxing
4 activities in each year
Youth committee leaders – at least 1 boy and 1
girl (can be more) - 17 years and above
Adult advisors – Lakshmanan, Thaneermalai,
Palaniappan/NAS President
Youth brainstorming group of between 6 to 10
members the ages of 14 – 18. Equal mix
boys/girls. Larger pool is chosen at the
beginning so that we can identify 4 to 6 capable youth for an eventual
sub-committee with 2 youth leaders (1 boy & 1 girl)
Ideas to come from youth
Possible activities:
March holidays: Koko at Fort Canning Park with
training sessions
June holidays: 3 day 2 night camp at the temple
with traditional activities and games
Sep holidays: Traditional games – indoor,
Dec holidays – NCC class and some other event –
picnic, hiking, sports
At suitable dates: Youth cultural programs,
Tamil literature programs
மாரியம்மன் கோயில் நகரத்தார் தை முதல் வெள்ளி உபயம் 17 Jan 2025
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