Become a member

Nattukkotai Chettiars above age of 21 residing in Singapore can become member of Nagarathar Association of Singapore (NAS).

The categories of membership in the Association shall be Life, Ordinary or Associate.

Ordinary membership is open to Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents or Employment Pass or Work Permit Holders who are not prohibited from being members of any society.

Life membership is open to Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents or Employment Pass or Work Permit Holders who make a one-time subscription upon his application being approved. They must not be prohibited from being members of any society. The Life membership shall be valid so long as the members maintain their Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident or Employment Pass or Work Permit statuses.

The Management Committee shall be authorized to grant Associate membership to any person from the Nattukkotai Chettiar's Community who is residing in Singapore on Long Term Social Visit or Dependant's Pass. Such membership shall be valid for 1 year unless renewed and shall not extend beyond a continuous period of 2 years.

There will be a one-time registration charge for membership enrolment and applicable yearly and lifetime membership charges.

Please approach the NAS Management Committee members for online enrolment of membership. Alternatively, you can download the physical form and complete it and submit to the NAS Management committee members.

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